Thursday, February 4, 2010

Italian Men Behaviour What Did I Do Wrong? Do I Really Deserve This Behaviour?

What did I do wrong? Do I really deserve this behaviour? - italian men behaviour

Hello, I'm confused and sick and do not really know what to say. Please, let me give you a short story. My husband and I were married 6 years ago. His problem with I am overweight, I am a Muslim and Hindu, do not speak Hindi. His personal challenge is how we are together. Religion and language, which he says is not really the problem. Only the language of today is a problem, not because I speak. I communicate in English with his family. After 6 years of work, I am not responsible and not having any children. He is Indian. I'm half Punjabi and half Italian. The problems started early. Please try again by their fathers. I tried to convince him that we will do well. He complained and was always down. He put too much pressure. For example, the first few weeks of our marriage, we have an officer who refused to believe that R man and woman. His answer was clear from. From the first moment of relationships that always bothers later. She began to want more. Felt used. Now it's been 2 yearswas. She did not, never again (for the last two months). And now she has even said that he and I should not be. Does he have the right to treat me this way? He wants to ask me to include more ... He wants to ask how important it is for a man to have sex. Ok, is important. But r is not in a marriage that does not work now? Is it correct to say that right now all take? Thank you for your attention and a correct answer only please.


Erica G said...

hey I'm sorry that you are treated. My opinion is that if you want to feel, edit and change it. Make sure that it is not him. To eat, start working on a daily routine, just to fill your appetite, and not your toy. (I have done all the time) to be more independent and do not wish for admission. If you agree that all what you need. Nonchanlant only affects things. There's nothing I hate more than a man if he is asking a woman to see it doing very well and looks good. Please note, as a gentle person.

Anonymous said...

should not marry if I had all these problems. Get it while you can. or wait to deceive you and bring them to justice, and divorced him, and that is all true HES. hes a jerk.

Never expected such a treatment. said...

And who is married and says the Koran and the Bible: "What God has joined together let no man not separate", I believe that not to act on his own family might be behind it! How do you say? In online now, it could get married for other reasons, I can not say that knowing the breakdown of your marriage if you're still in love with him, but sit down and try what you really want, you could try your habits too be that you yourself do not always blame the man! "If you're too big, then you go on a diet, eat, do not stop in the morning also use brown sugar instead of white sugar, avoid, or sugar! And every morning after breakfast with a grapefruit, orange, after a lunch and dinner broccoli soup! are also a way is broken, because if your husband was fighting grrrrrrrrrr "their weight if they were so in love with him, you must have worked on this project! what we see on the webcam and what is before us otherwise remember that! Working to save your marriage if you still lovE and want to keep your man! Good luck!

xoxoxo said...

If we knew from the beginning, which is not surprising that it has achieved. I do not know why you would put themselves into this mess, but I'm not a religious person, I do things differently. I do not think it's okay for anyone to deceive. Not only "morally" wrong is also something that you signed in your marriage. He is in jail for it.
Another thing is that you get with this behavior because they have left, or an "ultimatum" that have lived with you.
I think you should talk to someone who knows his religion and to see a therapist and what he says about this, too.
With regard to the sex ... much smaller than the treatment with someone of importance. So no, you do not need sex.
I personally would never stand for something.

Jade B said...

You are worth more than a man or a woman is this.any .. I know it will be difficult for problably has ben in order to get amrraige. But you do not deserve.

which a person seems to believe that his behaviur good feelings.and! Tries seems to have .. but if you want to go to a counselor, then go .. as it.other

Time to make your life itself. and you can be alive again:)

Fortunately ps please answer my question relaitonships Cross. I would be glad your comments.


Han said...

No, I do not deserve this behavior at all. It is the control and manipulation, and the terrible behavior toward his wife. Sex is important, but to be correct, you must FIRST a loving and respectful relationship. Sex comes later. I can not wait to make love with him, if there are problems in marriage, and he is very bad for him to say he is it from someone else. Maybe you need to get from other countries ...?

Why please your parents? It's a girl.

Tell him you need your respect, and if your treatment as an eligible bride, you could sleep with him.

If this were my wedding, I would like to end it and find someone who can respect his wife. I would not let my husband treat me like that.

Clarence said...

Sorry, but your husband is like a nightmare!
How can you put under pressure to lose weight? "You as an individual, can do whatever he wants with his body, and you can choose whether you want to search to learn a new language. Certainly no right to have sex elsewhere. Sorry, I do not know much to know about the Muslim faith, but I would seriously consider a divorce .. relationship is likely to build up the trust is full of praise and love and joy. What do you feel depressed, not what it should be her. I wish you the strength to do what the right for you, but I have to say will be financially independent. You should have a job.

Britain S said...

Wow, this is great live, I have the feeling that. Well, what I would do is completely Break It Off. The divorce, the husband has no right to treat you well, it's not fair to ask you and how much do you want sex is a ridiculous question on this point in time and go for it and have sex with other than his woman is not fair in order. This is not right, must fight for themselves. Sorry if its agan his religon does not know much, but if you break for himself and a) or B) When you get to sit and talk and try to understand the real reason for him to do. That is all I can say, unfortunately, once again, that you go through this.

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