Saturday, January 9, 2010

Artificial Christmas Tree Bag Artificial Tree Or Live Tree For Christmas?

Artificial tree or live tree for Christmas? - artificial christmas tree bag

Last year was the first time in my life, that we are an artificial Christmas tree. I was not on vacation, but when the party was over, only three 50 gal garbage bag at him and pulled him into the basement for storage. Then I loved it!

I think back to a tree this year. What do you do?


orangedr... said...

There are positives and drawbacks to both. I'm sure you know what they are. I have an old tree tinsel, who was my great-grandparents, is probably the only tree I in the future. I love it because it looks cool) (money and because he had a family history.

Zaba1234... said...

We have an artificial tree
The advantages of an artificial environment are:
- Good for the Environment
- No need to buy new every year
Disadvantages of the artificial are:
- Sometimes they break
- If artificial economic then used to look good
- Storage

Decide what you want. .....

But this year we get a real tree, just for convenience, we let the day after Christmas for a vactaion.

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