Thursday, January 28, 2010

Excessive Wind In Older Babies 6 Week Old Baby - Excessive Wind?

6 week old baby - excessive wind? - excessive wind in older babies

Hey Ladies!

My baby is 6 weeks and recently spent a lot of wind. I keep mine! Today is very strong and a couple of times to pass into the wind began to cry, as if she was sick.

Is it normal for a baby to pass at the end like this?

I recently formula from SMA Aptamil Comfort, as it was just cramps and constipation. Could it be something to do with it? The diaper too much running!

Thank you X


Leslie said...

It is common for children with colic, which a lot of wind. My son had colic for 3 months, and sometimes the wind blows like a grown man! Change formula can sometimes help with colic. You can use the water from the flu, which is completely natural and you give your baby several times a day to test how they taste. Or you can try gas drops of relief Mylacon or soemthing similar nature. Avian water just worked for my son, but I think the key is to make sure you burp him very, very good for breastfeeding. Enter half of their food, burp him to finish eating and then burping him. Dioreah not a symptom of colic, so if you still nasally Poos, you can call your pediatrician to know him and see if he wants you to bring him good luck, I know that a baby with colic very stressful and extensive canceled!

Kannon's... said...

it could be. You burp give him time to adjust to the new formula and after every ounce or two. If this seems to bother you, try a few drops of gas emergency or talk to dr. Power options.

curiousm... said...

Maybe that's not good for them or ask your doctor to recommend a doctor

SALMA said...

a little water to treat influenza.

SALMA said...

a little water to treat influenza.

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