Monday, January 18, 2010

Israel Olive Oil In The King James This Verse Dose Not Contain Money, And Yet Others Do!?

In the king james this verse dose not contain money, and yet others do!? - israel olive oil

1 Corinthians 16:2
After the first [day of the week] provided each of you, he has progressed] in the business, as [God, there are no meetings, where I come from.

The order of the children of Israel in order to undercut you with pure olive oil for the light to cause the lamp to the fact that always burn.

Then the kingdom to ten virgins who took their lamps and are compared against the bridegroom.
And five of them wise and five [were] was stupid.
Those who took foolish [] their lamps, took no oil with them:
that the oil is spirit, and how we are going to thrive with money
when he was in the spirituality of chastity and poverty.


bizzy_do... said...

In translation, the King James Version translated word for word as "other translations like the New International Version and the message is" translated thinking of thinking ", where some people have even blocked if the VIN may be easier to read is I prefer the King James version of the car closer to the original transcript and thus more accurate.

† PRAY † - SFECU said...

Oil is the Holy Spirit ..
Our spirituality is not in front of chastity and poverty. Jesus paid the price for our salvation and we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit (God's gift), and we must be guided by the Holy Spirit and not the things that guide us to do.
Our Holiness (spirituality) is a gift and bought with the blood of Jesus .. try, chaste and poor as a means of glorifying God frustrated the gift he gave us.

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