Thursday, January 21, 2010

Weider Supplements Im Amateur Bodybuilder I Wanna Know If I Will Take Weider Mega Mass 2000 Supplement I Will Add More Muscles ?

Im amateur bodybuilder i wanna know if i will take weider mega mass 2000 supplement i will add more muscles ? - weider supplements

No, it will not.

In fact, concerns about taking supplements, if I were you. Some are harmless, at best, and who knows what others have over them?

The best way for the construction of the body is simply the exercise, of course, and receives a large amount of protein. And if you're not particularly concerned about their health or legal issues, steroids work very well.


edhollaw... said...

Unless you have lost some muscle there, and is considering surgery.

Patrick C said...

It is not all nonsense, you have steroids and many of them.

Jamie said...

Bodybuilding is freaky your body. Will you like them?

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